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God Save The Princess Consort

I personally think the forthcoming election and the relative merits of the two parties isn't a subject worth discussing. Much as it grates with me that someone can do something as unpopular as the invasion of Iraq proved (again, arguably right, but not arguably popular) and still end up in an unassailable position, Tony has. Good luck to Mr Howard and all that, but it's not looking likely. And as Ben says, they're almost indistinguishable now. It's like that episode of Futurama, where the Republicans and Democrats put John Jackson and Jack Johnson up for the presidential election.

I think the really important question of the day is whether Camilla should be made The Queen when Liz dies. It's one of those titles that, in the context, has no worth in itself whatsoever. I mean, isn't the first lady just the woman the President is sleeping with? (Or, in thepossible future context of Hilary Clinton, the man the President is sharing. I'm sure they'll come up with an interesting new title should that eventuality arise.) But to take a title which essentially means you managed to divert the attentions of a 50 year old man with a reduced gene pool, and then say, no, that's too good for you... the country must really hate Camilla.