Conference Confidential
Doom and gloom from the Tories' Blackpool orgy of masochism
Tits up
Whilst the media worlds are franticly trying to make mileage out of David Davis' mediocre oratory performance yesterday a fresh tit-bit has reached us.
The unquestionably attractive young lady photographed 'spontaneously' sporting a close fitting 'it's DD for me' T-shirt over an ample bosom this week is none other than Davis' campaign co-ordinator's long-term girlfriend. And the other similarly clad attractive young things? - "mates from the pub" apparently…
The Davis' campaign is still maintaining that they have no knowledge of the stunt and that the eye-candy represent 'firm' support for Davis from the county's youth.
Tits up
Whilst the media worlds are franticly trying to make mileage out of David Davis' mediocre oratory performance yesterday a fresh tit-bit has reached us.
The unquestionably attractive young lady photographed 'spontaneously' sporting a close fitting 'it's DD for me' T-shirt over an ample bosom this week is none other than Davis' campaign co-ordinator's long-term girlfriend. And the other similarly clad attractive young things? - "mates from the pub" apparently…
The Davis' campaign is still maintaining that they have no knowledge of the stunt and that the eye-candy represent 'firm' support for Davis from the county's youth.