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Massive hike in the price of drugs likely

State interference in the drug market will result in a massive cost for the rise of drugs, officials have admitted.

The revelations came as Metropolitan Police revealed that they had seized cannabis worth "like, erm quite a bit, actually" following nine arrests in London and Essex.

An undercover police expert described the haul as "like, very significant shit man" and indicated that the disruption to the market supply was likely to push the price of the drug up appreciably unless you happened to be "you know, like, connected".

In other news, Sugar Puff sandwiches are lovely and if you stare at a light bulb for ages and ages there's like a ripple of energy all around it in a kind of rainbow of colours a bit like a kaleidoscope but watery, kind of fluid like a lava lamp, yeah lava lamps are cool, they really got it right when they invented lava lamps. Pass the Sugar Puffs.

Relaxed: the Metropolitan Police annual party

that's three drugs stories in a row!

shit man, it's some kind of conspir, consp, con, plot.

Woudn't it be wonderful if all three were, like, connected somehow? I mean, if David Cameron was having a mature debate in a huge hydroponics warehouse, about the price of drugs, when they raided it? Man. That would be cool.

Wait - dude... duuuude.... David Cameron, Paul Goggins and a crack squirrel having a mature debate about the price of drugs in a hyrdoponics production site when they raided it. Woah.

yeah... that's it we've uncovered the conspir, consp, con, plot man.

yeah we've got to tell the world, and go on TV and radio and stuff.

It'll be ace.

what were we talking about? TV... radio... tell the world - ah yeah, the plot.

Hang on, dude - I just lost the plot.

ha ha ha hu huuh (cough) ha ha ha ha ha ha hu hu huugh ha haaa (cough)... pass...(cough)...water...

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