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The Fall Guy, the Loans Ranger and the Dupes of Hazard

Prescott’s been lined up to be the muck that the other bad news is buried under. Timing is everything, but the straw that breaks the camel’s back will be leaked to the media just before the really juicy stuff about Levy and Blair selling peerages appears. The media rats will feast on the boated corpse that lies rotting in wait. This makes Prezza the Fall Guy.

Sleazy Levy has been arrested and bailed. He may make a run for it to Israel (a path well trodden by ennobled crooks before him – you’re welcome back any time Dame Shirley), or he may brazen it out. It depends on how much shit is still to come. Informed opinion is that there’s a lot. If Blair is interviewed under caution, the Loans Ranger is likely to be on Silver and away like a shot.

So who are the Dupes of Hazzard? I’m tempted so say it’s you and me, but I think the real dupes here are the media. They’ve been suckling at the Downing Street teat for so long that they can no longer be weaned. This story broke months ago, but it’s taken the arrest of a Labour Peer, Blair’s personal fundraiser, friend, tennis partner and Envoy to the Middle East (which he remains, by the way) to wake them from there dependent stupor.

Will our media ever bite the hand that feeds it? New Labour’s soviet-isation of the media has been a masterstroke. If you control the information, you control the story. Our current lobby are junkies, utterly dependent on tit-bits thrown by Number Ten. Look what happened to Gilligan when he stepped out of line and used a non-approved source.

It’s only down to people like Guido, that the facts of this story and the hideous perspective on a government that has prostituted its morality that they provide have remained evident. If it were down to the shysters that claim to be fair and balanced reporters this shame would have been left unreported.