Thursday, February 22, 2007

Can it be a coincidence?

Recently, David Cameron admitted that he had smoked marijuana at Eton. A recent poll suggests that, should Brown take the reins of the Labour Party (officially I mean), Cameron is much more likely to be elected.

I put it to you that David Cameron has never touched a joint in his life. The Conservative Party have hired a spin doctor. Smoking at Eton - it's perfect. The upper middle classes will think "That's right, he was at Eton. Must be a good egg". The liberal middle classes will think "Wow, he smoked pot? Can't be such a (insert anti-Conservative slur here) after all". The working classes will think either "Well, it was at school. He seems ok now" and keep voting Labour anyway, or "The Sun says vote Conservative. I'm voting Conservative".

All Labour need to do is find a way of revealing the truth that doesn't look like they're aware of the above, and they'll win some ground back. Surely?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Exploitation! Conspiracy!

Following on from the story featured in the British papers over the summer that a poor naive, unsuspecting rock musician was horribly exploited by a disabled woman, Policy Blender is pleased to bring you an exclusive story of conspiracy, exploitation and misguidance!

Apparently, a group of evil so-called scientists are plotting to take advantage of vulnerable, unassuming Western governments and energy companies, by fabricating evidence that human activity is increasing global temperatures! This is ludicrous of course - I mean, it snowed only last week, and I went skiing with my wife a month or so ago. Anyway, firstly everyone knows that proper science is about experimentation against a control, and how can they know the oceans weren't going to rise anyway? Or that the weather was going to get silly, or that the deserts were going to expand at ever-increasing rates? Secondly, the people who really benefit from the credence that global warming might get if their plan comes to fruition aren't the people in lower-and-lower-lying coastal areas, or the people with breathing difficulties in major cities, but the people doing doctorates on climatology, and the organisations that promote reduced energy consumption. Currently a grant for a PhD student runs to as much as £18,000 p.a. - and scientists pretend to be unbiased!

The whole thing stinks to high heaven, and it's time it was stopped.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Terror Hits UK: Government Suspends Civil Liberties

Motorists face heavy fines and possible imprisonment if they are caught on the roads today.

In response to the recent snow attack the Home Secretary has introduced special crisis measures, effectively putting the county in a wartime curfew. Dr Reid said in a statement this morning:

“I have to put the public’s safety first. Driving in snow is dangerous because it is slippy and people might get hurt. It is a government’s responsibility to look after its citizens”

The Liberal Democrats issued a statement in conjunction with Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth:

“This recent snow attack is our own fault, it’s got something to do with carbon and we must immediately stop being capitalists because otherwise we’ll all die”

The Conservatives were unavailable for comment as they were said to be ‘making a snowman like the nice, normal, electable people they are’.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Rudy can’t fail?

Some might say that Rudolf Giuliani is the Republican dream ticket. He’s certainly their best chance of holding on to the White House in the aftermath of the Bush years.

Giuliani has given his strongest hint yet that he will run for the Oval office in 2008 by filing a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Monday. Though no announcement has been made and there’s no mention of the statement on his website. It seems the former New York Mayor is keen for this move to be interpreted as keeping his options open as he continues his diverse tour of US states.

Rudy’s CV is multifaceted and represents a refreshing change from the evangelical campaigns of the past. In summary:

- He’s never condemned abortion
- He’s tough on terror
- He’s tough on crime
- He’s pro Gay rights
- He’s not a Democrat

The traits that make Giuliani unpopular with GOP Grandees may well prove to be the hook that wins back some liberal states come election time. However for this reason a Giuliani candidacy would represent a gamble – will his appeal to liberal floaters destabilise his base? Rudy would be wise to employ Karl Rove’s ‘dog whistle’ strategy in red states to limit any potential backlash.

With Senator McCain having made the early running, it’s not even certain that Giuliani will enter the race for nomination. What is certain, however, is that if he gets the candidacy the normal rules will be thrown out of the window. The 2006 campaign will be much more colourful than a choice between Barack and white.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Police Interview Blair Again

Tony Blair was questioned by police in relation to their on-going inquiry last Friday.

This information was suppressed until today.

Chris has just mentioned that the only thing that separates us from a Banana Republic is tradition. Thank God for tradition, at least.