Exploitation! Conspiracy!
Following on from the story featured in the British papers over the summer that a poor naive, unsuspecting rock musician was horribly exploited by a disabled woman, Policy Blender is pleased to bring you an exclusive story of conspiracy, exploitation and misguidance!
Apparently, a group of evil so-called scientists are plotting to take advantage of vulnerable, unassuming Western governments and energy companies, by fabricating evidence that human activity is increasing global temperatures! This is ludicrous of course - I mean, it snowed only last week, and I went skiing with my wife a month or so ago. Anyway, firstly everyone knows that proper science is about experimentation against a control, and how can they know the oceans weren't going to rise anyway? Or that the weather was going to get silly, or that the deserts were going to expand at ever-increasing rates? Secondly, the people who really benefit from the credence that global warming might get if their plan comes to fruition aren't the people in lower-and-lower-lying coastal areas, or the people with breathing difficulties in major cities, but the people doing doctorates on climatology, and the organisations that promote reduced energy consumption. Currently a grant for a PhD student runs to as much as £18,000 p.a. - and scientists pretend to be unbiased!
The whole thing stinks to high heaven, and it's time it was stopped.
It is surely all an elaborate plot by wealthy land owners to drive down the price of land in low-lying coastal areas so they can buy the land at a fraction of its worth then saying 'hey we got it wrong, the sea is staying exactly where it is, fancy buying this nice house with stunning sea views?'. Cunning lot those wealthy land owner types.
Unfortunately they didn't consider that many coastal inhabitants are elderly people living out their twilight years with a view of the sea. They consider that they'll be long gone before the end (of the world) comes so are unwilling to sell their bungalows for the £10 per acre being offered by the land barons. So, looks like a waiting game, and the 'threat' of climate change is going to stay with us until most of the OAP coastal inhabitants have popped their clogs.
Posted by Anonymous | Fri Feb 16, 03:34:00 pm