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Mandelson's Bra Issues

Mandy: supporting boobies

Protectionism is back on the agenda in Europe. Many would argue it has never been off, as the EU uses its position as a trading bloc to stuff poorer countries outside its borders by levying trade on cheep goods produced with lower overheads - see: Africa.

But now chinks are appearing in the armour of European protection. The EU's rosy period is turning distinctly yellow. There's a nip in the air. It's all gone Wong.

China's aggressive external economic liberalism means that cheep goods are being exported all over the world, providing a massive boost to the Chinese economy. In turn, these goods are providing value for consumers the world over, lowering prices through competition and so helping the poor.

What's bad about this? Well, the EU is naturally defensive. Quotas have been put in place to try to limit the flow of goods into the EU, protecting EU manufacturers against competition from the Orient. What's good for European manufacturers isn't necessarily good for European consumers. In fact in the long run, Mandelson and Co.'s racketeering will have a detrimental effect on the competitiveness of European enterprise as businesses go the way of the French wine industry and disappear up their own protected arses.

Mandy's twisting and turning over this issue is hilarious. The original official line was that the quotas on Chinese imports were to protect European business. Then, with rumours of rationing abound given Beijing's fury at the EU protectionist stance, it was announced that the EU has a surplus of Chinese stock. Now, Mandy is issuing dire warnings that consumers may have to face price rises because of the trade surplus.

So we're got too much of the stuff so the price goes up? The normal rules of logic do not, of course, apply when you consider the EU.

If I didn't know better I'd say you were advocating free trade...


You see, it's acceptable to use racial slurs, as long as you're equally disdainful of all races (including your own, arguably I guess) and still judge people on their individual characters etc.

But in this article, I can only assume deliberately, you've used the word nip to refer to China. Nip is a Japanese reference to Nippon. It's a little like using dago to refer to Italians, when the correct term is wop. Though Americans would refer to Italians as dagos, and not Spaniards, despite the term being derived from the Spanish name Diego. For more racial slurs, please visit this wikipedia entry. And please, if you must slur, slur correctly.


([used by]U.S. blacks) a bunch of white people

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