Breaking news! Monkey evolves from Creationists!
In Pennsylvania a group of 'Mentalist Christians have revealed that they are the proud parents of a child that is not 100% human . The surprisingly hairy child has several features marking it out as the beginnings of a break from its parent's species. As well as hand-like feet and a small tail, the man-monkey has an estimated IQ 10 points lower than the average human IQ, putting it at least 30 points above its parents. It also has a fondness for bananas and peanuts.
Its proud parents are convinced that their faith is being tested. "God gave us this child so we could prove the strength of our faith." said William Buckingham, 43, "We love him like we do our other kids; Bobo, Bubbles and Clyde." Buckingham is currently involved in a trial to promote the teaching of 'Intelligent Design' in schools across America.
Its proud parents are convinced that their faith is being tested. "God gave us this child so we could prove the strength of our faith." said William Buckingham, 43, "We love him like we do our other kids; Bobo, Bubbles and Clyde." Buckingham is currently involved in a trial to promote the teaching of 'Intelligent Design' in schools across America.
MC Hawking says it better than I do - see this page for some heavy shit from the original dope MC of cosmology.
Posted by Matt | Tue Sept 27, 10:59:00 am