Rampant Leftism
Health warning. This site may contain traces of nuts.
The political balance of this site will alter considerably during the next couple of weeks as its right-wing element is replenishing his soul in the US.
The consequences of this will be mainly manifested in the following:
• A lack of inflammatory language concerning minority groups, such as darkies or fudge-nudgers, designed to wind up lefties
• A lack of respect for the god-like Boris Johnson
• A belief that tax is not an instrument of state suppression, intended only to punish the rich and en-slave the poor
• Monkey jokes about George Bush
• A consensus that the state should be blamed when people eat too many burgers and get fat, or smoke too much and get cancer
• Rich people are eeeevil
wouldn't it just be ace?
You see, I've been thinking the last few months "Who is this Arnold chap?", under the impression it was Mr. 'Something Arnold'. I see now that the logo is as it is because most Republican voters are unable to spell Schwarrtzennegger, er, Schwartzinega, um, Arnie.
Posted by Matt | Mon Sept 12, 02:07:00 pm