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24 hour licensing: Stalin's fifth column

by our Daily Mail Staff Writer, Major Moral-Rage (Rtd)

Last night the serene and peaceful little island of Britain was literally torn to pieces with scenes of Goyic purgatory as alcohol-ridden youths terrorised the streets in the early hours of the morning because of the new suicidally dangerous 24-hour bingeing laws.

Now that it is legal to drink beyond the traditional hours that have served this country so well over the last ninety years, our green and pleasant land will become vomit-stained as it hastens it's decent into hell.

Last night's series of riots and pitched battles with Police are just the beginning of the end. Our once great nation has cast itself on the path to Armageddon because of the calculated destructive actions of our government.

This is a government that wishes to destroy everything that Britain stands for. Order, respect, decency and freedom all must be enforced by strict discipline . It's what we fought Hitler and the Reds to protect. Britain is in danger again, but this time the enemy is within.

We must be honest and face the fact that the majority of people in this magnificent and delightful land of freedom and justice are complete scumbags who would destroy our fair country and themselves if they were given half the chance. They know no better and they are incapable of leaning because they are stupid. Look at Wayne Rooney.

That's why it is up to decent people like you and I, who know how to protect the liberties and freedoms of this great nation to preserve the natural order and quell the unpleasant masses. It's our duty to protect them from themselves. They must remain restrained otherwise our very society is at risk from a Marxist revolution of drunken idiots who idolise David Beckham and black American rappers.

Our Government knows this. They secretly want to destroy our sweet and delectable country from within, taking down all that we hold dear - the Home Counties, fox hunting, our daughter's virginity. This is because they hate Britain. They hate Britain because they're Communists.

We must protect ourselves from Communism by restricting the liberties of the proletariat classes. With the relaxation of drinking laws, I fear that our chances of defending our masses against the evil influences of American commercialism - and the dangerous revolutionary ideals they portray - are severely weakened.

did anyone catch the nonsense ploughed onto us this morning on this point.

The BBC had positioned breakfast reporters in drink hotspots throughout the country, then at 8 this morning they called them in live to coment on the nights attrocities.

what a surprise - no problems, infact and unuslualy calm night, very little violence and few idiots trawling the streets, an A and E doctor confirmed nothing unusual had occured and rubbished the beebs shining reporters attempts to steer him. The reason they claim that the country did not erupt was this.

It was a thursday.


and thursday is not a big drinking night in Newcastle

sorry, what.

I've been to Newcastle, I've looked at northerners. every day is drinking day in the toon, and now every day and every night.

hurrah for the peacfull (god dam its european-ness) and relaxed drinking hours.

(secretly I suspect there was very little trouble in the Toon, as most of the hardened northerners, instead of spilling into the streets for a fight, decided to stay in the pub and get shit faced)

Harrah all the same

I saw it too.

I've taken to watching the BBC again in the mornings as Sky has had a re-vamp which puts the sickly Eamon Holmes in front of me every morning!

But then, the BBC did spend 90% of the time I was watching brodcasting adverts. 5 mins of news followed by an advert for strictly come danceing (dressed up as news, with studio guests) and then an advert for some book (dressed up as news with the author in as a studio guest)...

and we pay for this?

Through the license fee, but we pay for much worse things through taxes and duties - of which there will be more coming from alcohol if sales increase!

Here we are monday morning.

Still no 24 alcohol serving backlash, the streets are still safe, the AE's are not rammed to hilt with people who'd spent the early hours of this morning drunkenly stabbing each other in the face.

and the reason given this morning for the void of violence

"it was unusually cold"

Perhaps we could request that some of the taxes from the execss sale of alcohol, into digging bigger pits to put the idiots that come up with nonsense into, a couple of thousand Bacardi Breezers and we could even get a ilid for the thing

just you wait, I'm sure someone will die as a result of having responsibility for their own actions...

any minute now...


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