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Dave the Cameleon

So the Labour Party has gone on the attack for the local elections, launching a personal campaign against ‘Dave’ Cameron – www.davethecameleon.co.uk.

Political Über-blogger Guido Fawkes spots the error of their ways:

Advertisers always like to keep the message simple - the New Tory message is "we have changed". The details are irrelevant to most voters. Daz does not advertise Persil's new formula, why is New Labour advertising New Tory policy changes?

Politico’s founder and right-wing blogger, Iain Dale, would prefer to see them hanging (metaphorically) –

...following on from their depiction of Michael Howard and Oliver Letwin as pigs, Labour will seek to elevate the level of political debate tonight by showing David Cameron as a reptile in a party political broadcast. They're also launching a website called http://www.davethechameleon.co.uk/. Perhaps the Conservatives should hit back with a website called http://www.tonyblairisacrook.co.uk/. But that would be petty, wouldn't it. Far better to let them swing on a rope of their own making.

In the interest of fairness, I have had a trawl through the leftie blogs in the hope of something to counterbalance the above. No luck. Recess Monkey has a nice new site, though. Tim Ireland directs us to his latest video on backingblair.co.uk. Nevertheless, I did find some justification for the new campaign on the BBC:

Asked why the party had decided to make a personal attack on Mr Cameron, Local Government Minister Phil Woolas said: "Well, it is funny”.

Wow - that's really pathetic. The Chameleon website, I mean, not your post. Why say what we're all thinking? I mean all of us - you wouldn't be supporting him if he wasn't still a Conservative, and I continue not to support him, cause he's still a Conservative. Labour have gone down in my estimation (again) though. All hail Emperor Menzies!

It's exactly what the Tories would have wanted - "dog whistling" to the core vote that he's a Tory at heart and promoting the message to floating voters that the Conservatives are a party of change...


Wait - what if the core voters think they're a party of change, but the floating voters think he's a tory through and through? Maybe they thought about this more than we give them credit for.

The true backfire is that most people, given their current choices probably would vote for a lizard who can ride a bicycle.

Did the Labour Party spokesman actually say something like 'We'd prefer to attack the party's policies, of course, but they won't tell anyone what their policies are.'? It does seem to me like Gordon Brown makes a speech about what they plan to do for the environment, and Cameron buys a Lexus in response.

mmm... quite a coup for young Cameron there - Brown talks about doing something and Cameron does something (by buying his hybrid Lexus).

Particularly disengenuous of the Labour spinners to try to paint Cameron as a hypocryte because his hybrid car isn't quite as efficient as another on the market. How many Jags has the DPM got?...

Yeah, but no-one is suggesting for a moment that John Prescott is good for the environment. Anyway, one Lexus does not an averted global crisis make, as the adage goes. Have the Tories actually made any commitments to anything? I mean we know they'll break them once they do, just like the current government, but they could at least tell us what they're going to lie about.

I'd like to see Cameron run a diesel car (preferably second hand - car manufacture, Lexus or otherwise, uses an enormous amount of resources) off Biodiesel he makes in his own garage. That might even persuade me to vote for him.

Hang about...

"Have the Tories actually made any commitments to anything? I mean we know they'll break them once they do, just like the current government, but they could at least tell us what they're going to lie about."

Isn't that exactly why people vote for the LibDems?

Isn't that exactly why anyone bothers to get out of bed to vote before work on General Election day? But normally we have some idea of what lies we're voting for.

I'm not old enough to vote yet but i certainly wouldn't vote for any party after seeing that pathetic attempt to shun David Cameron on the BBC over the past couple of weeks. All politicians tell us what they think we want to hear and what right have the Labour party got to criticise Cameron when they are as bad themselves?? using propaganda in such a way is so pathetic. Isn't it a person's right to actually act upon what the believe in? and having a website dedicated to this subject is just outrageous. It isn't really a political broadcast on behalf of the labour party it is an attempt to get their own back on David Cameron. At least he is acting upon something and not sitting back and letting others do the work for him like the other political leaders do. I don't see what the fuss is about anyway because at lot of people say they won't vote for certain political parties but then again no one ever listens to what the public have to say so why on earth should we vote when nothing gets done in our favour?

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