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Footballer "not quite dead yet"

Best: going to die soon

George Best is not quite dead yet, say doctors at the Cromwell Hospital in London. Best was admitted to the hospital four weeks ago with "death-like symptoms". Best became an icon when, as a sad, fat, pathetic, wife-beating, bankrupt alcoholic with a shagged liver he uttered the words:

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars - the rest I just squandered"


also, he will now be known as George 'Average' as his previous surname may have led to people feeling socially excluded, and could have been detrimental to vulnerable people's self esteem leading to them having success/failure anxiety issues owing to the nature of their particularized assessment of their individual significance qualities relative to their own implicit social values matrix brought about by said footballer's previous designation with its explicitly egalitarian overtones. People will not be allowed to smoke, too, because it's bad for them. Oh and don't eat fatty food. And don't binge drink. And for God's sake don't tell jokes about Muslims, you'll hurt their feelings and they're very sensitive you know.

Hey, that last picture was a little mean. It doesn't say in the Koran 'And Allah said fly planes into buildings. And so it was done, and they saw that it made the headlines' you know. You'd have to have an 'o' instead of an 'n' on the end of your name to think that everyone who prays 5 times a day is praying specifically for your death and the death of every Westerner. Most Mslims I've met haven't tried to kill me once. Though I admit they rarely buy me a drink.

I liked the smoking baby though.

Having said that, I'm partially responsible for the code that randomly produced 'Open hangings for homosexual couples!'. So I'm not in the best position to criticise.

George "gifted in his own unique way just like the rest of us"?

I quite agree with the idea of giving booze to babies. I think it helps them make sense of the world from an early age. If you think about it, we only really start to fully understand the world/society at the age we start drinking. The tow events are most certainly connected.

Well done to your friend, Jen. She is quite clearly light years ahead of the current leading pedagogists, and cognitive/developmental psychologists. B.F Skinner's theory should be replaced with "alcohol conditioning", Erikson's eight stages should go from Asda Best to Special Brew and Chomsky may have finally stumbled across the truth if he had theorised a 'universal lock-in'.

As Jamie Oliver used to say, my thyme will comeā€¦

That's very true, in fact the Romans and Greeks were buggers for the beer as children and they gave us democracy and orgies!

and the aquaduct, and law and order and proper sanitation (continued in Monty Python's Life of Brian...)

yes, hands up everywhere...

yep, hands up for hands up...

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