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George accused in oil-for-ssssh scandal

But the other one, the one with a Dubya.

This link might not work, but hopefully it will. Apparently (surprise surprise) the US were getting their slice of the pie, but they're now dragging Mr Galloway across there to say "Why did you take some of the oil we should have bought illegally? How are we meant to keep the gallon below $1.50 if you're taking some of the illegal oil?"

I want everyone to drive a car that runs on vegetable oil. Then the Middle East peace process won't be about oil any more, cause no one will want oil. The Middle East will have no money and one of two things will happen.

1) The Western World will let them keep kicking the shit out of each other, cause now they've got nothing we want, who gives a damn if they all die?

2) The US and UK will go ahead and slap Iran about a bit, proving they were doing it for the benefit of the people, not for the benefit of motorists and the directors of BP.

Please bear in mind that I am the least informed member of this site in your comments - I'd love someone to straighten me out, cause I'd love to believe people in the world actually do want good things for each other, regardless of where they live, what colour they are and what religion they use as an excuse for their actions.