Key Performance Indicators
In a political culture of targets, missions, Priority areas for delivery, Public Service Agreements(PSAs), Prime Minister's Delivery Units ( PMDU), Prime Minister's Strategy Units ( PMSU), efficiency, effectiveness, Government Gateways, and accessibility networks, you'd think the quality of government you're getting for your money would be pretty high.
Think again. Beneath the headline grabbing initiatives, the quality of government we are subjected to in exchange for our tax money is less than piss-poor. Take today, for instance. Today is the start of the hunting season. You may be surprised at this, because according to the government those super rich toffs from the Banwen Miners Hunt aren't allowed to hunt their foxes anymore.
However, this is a government that couldn't successfully legislate its way out of a wet paper bag. Don't get me wrong, this government could spin its way out of anything, wars included. But when it comes to the merchandise rather than the branding the quality level is decidedly jerry-built.
Hunters across England and Wales will have enjoyed a cracking day today - bright sunshine and a stiff, bracing breeze. During the course of a ride - be it to merely exercise the hounds, or line-hunt a scent - it is not doubted that some of the hounds will have picked up the scent of a fox, followed it and ripped the blighter to pieces. The police cannot prosecute hounds, nor under the legislation drafted by those who spent 700 hours of parliamentary time debating the fox hunting ban and seven hours of parliamentary time debating whether to attack Iraq, can the police stop hunters riding out with their hounds.
Value for money?
Think again. Beneath the headline grabbing initiatives, the quality of government we are subjected to in exchange for our tax money is less than piss-poor. Take today, for instance. Today is the start of the hunting season. You may be surprised at this, because according to the government those super rich toffs from the Banwen Miners Hunt aren't allowed to hunt their foxes anymore.
However, this is a government that couldn't successfully legislate its way out of a wet paper bag. Don't get me wrong, this government could spin its way out of anything, wars included. But when it comes to the merchandise rather than the branding the quality level is decidedly jerry-built.
Hunters across England and Wales will have enjoyed a cracking day today - bright sunshine and a stiff, bracing breeze. During the course of a ride - be it to merely exercise the hounds, or line-hunt a scent - it is not doubted that some of the hounds will have picked up the scent of a fox, followed it and ripped the blighter to pieces. The police cannot prosecute hounds, nor under the legislation drafted by those who spent 700 hours of parliamentary time debating the fox hunting ban and seven hours of parliamentary time debating whether to attack Iraq, can the police stop hunters riding out with their hounds.
Value for money?